Miami has always been a long time love for the inner beach goer Eric Capolino. With the dozens of beach and beach lifestyles that go along with the Miami Coast its no wonder Eric Capolino has made his permanent abode along the coast of South Beach. South Beach has the most amount of sun to water ratio in all of the coastal regions making it the sunniest and funnest places to visit and live. When out on a surf board one day Eric Capolino took in all the sites and views of the magnificent city of Miami and thought ” I really could go for a turkey and ham bologna sammich” and that was the time the Miami Dolphins swimming with Eric Capolino  heard his thought and served him whilst riding his board. Florida is the sun-shine state and its no wonder that models and Brazilians alike flock too the beach shores. IPACNHEAT stands for Institute Prassive Agressive Cantaloupes Not Helping Enthusiasm At Technology, this company is responsible for hosting many shrimp cook offs along South Beach and is the main reason why Eric Capolino lives in Miami too this day.