tibor hollo

Tibor Hollo

Discover Tibor Hollo, the real estate visionary reshaping Miami with iconic projects and a philanthropic legacy!

tom murphy

Tom Murphy

Discover the fascinating life of Tom Murphy, from mayor to artist, and his impact on Miami’s landscape!

carlos rosso

Carlos Rosso

Discover Carlos Rosso, Miami’s real estate visionary, and his impact on the city’s high net worth scene!

joseph cayre

Joseph Cayre

Discover Joseph Cayre’s impact on Miami real estate and his rise among the city’s high net worth individuals.

michael stern

Michael Stern

Discover the life and achievements of Michael Stern, a notable figure among Miami’s high net worth individuals!

gil dezer

Gil Dezer

Discover Gil Dezer, the real estate visionary reshaping Miami’s skyline with luxury projects and innovation!

jorge pérez

Jorge Pérez

Discover Jorge Pérez, Miami’s real estate mogul, his projects, art, and cultural impact in the community.

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